Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's December already?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.  I don't know the origin of that statement, but I know it's true.  I am a master of thinking of good ideas, then abandoning them as new shiny objects grab my attention.

Today is one of those "regrouping" days that come a few times a year in my life.  Yesterday was a major deadline date for my technical writing business; a total of three proposals submitted.  If you know how this cycle works for me, it means that I've been out straight for the last couple of weeks, and very busy for several weeks before that.  But once we receive confirmation of proposal submission, it's time to lean back in the chair and remember to breathe.

So here I am, trying to remember all of the other interests I have in my life, all of my intended projects, all of those good ideas I've shelved or cast aside over the last few months.

Many of the scrapbookers and journalers in my life choose a word for each year.  This is a word to live toward in the upcoming year.  Sort of a New Year's resolution boiled down and concentrated into a single concept.  I know I chose one last year, but honestly, I've forgotten what it was.  So, I've decided that my word for 2013 is FOCUS.

One of my major flaws is procrastination.  I am very good of rationalizing to myself that I will have time to do whatever it is later and then getting very mad at myself for doing so when later arrives.  I don't like doing a half-assed job at anything, and yet when I procrastinate, that's often what ends up happening - half-assed results, or no results at all.  This is something I NEED to fix.  It affects every aspect of my life.  I know that I have SO MUCH potential that is being unmet because of my lack of focus.  So, that's what I'll be working on in 2013.

I know this is a bit of a rambling post, but it sort of reflects my life right now, and something I'd like to do in the upcoming year is blog more regularly.  I am involved in a lot of very interesting things that I desperately want to share.  This is one thing about "focus" that I want to work on: determine what is most important in my life, focus on doing those things well, and sharing those things with others.

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