Sunday, January 4, 2015

My 2015 word is "self".

I know a lot of people that choose a word for the year, something to focus on, work towards, embrace, and reflect on.  I've chosen words here and there.  I even chose a word last year.

But I didn't do anything with it.

I chose the words SELF for 2014.  I created a journal for this word.  I wrote a bit in January, and then I stopped.  And my SELF suffered.  2014 wasn't a good year for me.  I have a lot of things to work on.  So, when thinking about a word for 2015, I was torn.  Should I choose a new word?  I felt like if I did, I'd be abandoning SELF.  I am notorious for starting projects and not finishing them.

So, I am choosing SELF again this year.  I need to work on myself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  I need to learn more about myself, take care of myself, figure out what it is I really want.  I firmly believe that you can't help and love others unless you help and love yourself first, and right now, I'm not and I don't.

So, I am hoping to post about SELF this year, and how I'm working on mySELF.

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